Monthly Archives: August 2006

NHK ni Youkoso 04: Satou visits Akihabara

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Night Head Genesis 2: Psychic Headaches

When we last left our wandering pair, they had stopped at a bar to get their flat tire fixed. It does get repaired but while they are waiting, they unwittingly bring to the surface past events that inflame passions in what was just a while earlier a calm environment. The pace of this second episode (“Contact”) is faster than the first and we see more of Naota’s dirt-digging mind-reading powers in action. Continue reading

Bargain Hunting: Found “Kaze no Yojimbo”

Trying to round out a couple of series…

…while taking a leap into something new.
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Night Head Genesis 1: Force-Field Ropes

According to the opening narration seventy percent of the average person’s brain goes unused, leaving amazing powers hidden within the human mind. This unutilized portion of the brain is called Night Head. Two brothers, Naoya and Naoto, were reluctantly drugged when they were young by their parents and taken away by mysterious doctors after their mental powers injured and frightened people one time too many. Naoya (the younger brother) can read people’s minds when he touches them while Naoto (the elder brother) is headstrong and hurts people telekenetically if they rub him the wrong way.
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My Little Beef with AMV Hell

After watching AMV Hell Championship Edition a couple months ago, I found I had developed a slight distaste for the AMV Hell series and its various clones. That doesn’t mean the video wasn’t funny; in fact, it was hilarious. It is just that…while I like AMV Hell for its short, odd juxtapositions of music and/or sound clips with anime for effect, I also dislike them for that particular aspect. Continue reading

Price Gouging in Japanese Used Shops

Only THREE days after Haruhi DVD 1 was released (July 28), Akibablog found a used copy of the limited edition version going for 13440 yen at a Trader store, almost double the original “wrapped in plastic” price (6930 yen). Even worse, the limited edition Asahina Episode 00 package was going for 14490 yen, a 200% increase over the original sale price of 4830 yen from its launch on June 23, about six weeks ago. I am familiar with the principal of supply and demand but this is absurd. Continue reading